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Please read the privacy policy and the terms and conditions (below) carefully and press the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Privacy Policy

The website is owned, maintained and operated by My Dietary Strategies ("We" or "Us" or "Our"). We recognize that it is important of keeping sensitive personal information private. My Dietary Strategies is subjected to various privacy statutes, including Singapore's personal data protection laws and the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation. 


This privacy policy shows how we safeguard and manage the personal information that you submit to us.  All information received on any of our My Dietary Strategies Content Services will be kept and used by My Dietary Strategies in accordance with our Privacy Policy unless we advise you otherwise. By accessing and browsing this website, you acknowledge acceptance of the terms of our Privacy Policy.​​

Privacy Rights

My Dietary Strategies is required to collect, use and disclose any personal information in a lawful and fair manner. 


We will not withhold your personal information for longer than is reasonably required by the purposes for which we may lawfully use the personal information.


You have a right to access and correct your personal information. If you want to access or correct your Personal Information that could not be directly accessed or amended by you, please contact us. Should you require us to send you personal or confidential information via email, please be aware that the use of emails would not be a 100% secure medium.

Definition of Personal Information

Personal data is any information that identifies a living individual. It includes the collection of different pieces of information that can lead to the identification of a particular individual. 

Reasons for collecting Personal Information

We rely on your updated information to:

  1. establish and maintain your account with us

  2. contact you about your registration, account or the services that you receive

  3. arrange billing, payment, credit checks and verifying your identity;

  4. provide you with personalized and/ or periodised dietary strategies,

  5. monitor your performance under any custom-made programmes;

  6. provide you with relevant nutrition materials such as newsletters, infographics or other associated services based on your needs;

  7. gauge customer satisfaction

  8. provide customer service

  9. provide technical support and administration

  10. maintain our records

  11. addressing feedback or complaints and resolving disputes

  12. providing data to Visitors and Registered Users about the programme (without disclosing any personal information in any way)

  13. market our programmes globally by using non-identifiable testimonials and other supporting comments from registered users. Identifiable testimonials will only be used with the registered users’ consent.

  14. help with scientific research (using the non-identifiable information only)

  15. share non-identifiable user inputs, ideas, tips and/ or other strategies

  16. provide/ help with any other purpose specified in the Registered User Agreement that is accepted by you.

  17. provide you with ongoing customer assistance and technical support

  18. understand My Dietary Strategies clients' profiles and improve our service offerings by using personal data and technical data. We use personal data and technical data to derive Statistical Data such as the number of clients. This is processed and stored purely for analytical and educational purposes and is entirely anonymous. This information will not be stored to your client record and will only be aggregated for statistical analysis. 

  19. comply with any applicable laws and regulations


We seek that once you have registered with us to kindly update the information regularly to keep the account relevant as we rely on your updated information. 

Types of information collected

During your visit to our website/ mobile application/ other platforms, we may collect statistical data which includes device and technical information you give us when using our website or mobile application such as IP addresses or other unique identifiers, cookies, mobile carrier, time zone setting, operating system, and platform.


When you sign up for our services (free or paid) or resources or when you request to be in our pre-sale list for the notifications about our services, any discounts or activities/ events, you are required to provide consent for us to process your information in the form of your name, email address and any other contact details such as telephone number. By signing up, you consent by providing these information to us and acknowledge that there is a double opt-in confirmation. If you wish to remove your name, email address and/ or telephone number and other contact details from our system, you can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link or by emailing us at


We collect information (such as personal details) when you register with us or fill in any free assessment forms. We also collect information about your preferences from your interactions with staff, and from specific requests you make. We collect device and technical information from you when you use any of our My Dietary Strategies Content Services.


The types of information that we collect depend on the circumstances of collection and on the nature of the service requested or transaction undertaken.


My Dietary Strategies collects the following categories:

  1. Personal data

The data collected includes but is not limited to:

  • Personal information that can be used to identify an individual such as name, gender, date of birth, ethnicity, physical measurements or attributes, detailed information about your lifestyle (including but not limited to: preferences, habits, personal routine) or other personal identification details;

  • Contact information such as mailing address, phone numbers, email address;

  • Payment information acknowledgement from our payment processor. Please note that at the time of registration, you will be asked to provide card information (which includes credit card number, expiry date and CVC/CVV) for payment in order to register. We do not receive a copy of your card information as it is sent directly to our payment card processor. We will only receive an acknowledgement from the payment processor when the payment processor confirms the transaction has been completed;

  • Information on your other purchases made through My Dietary Strategies Content Services such as events, activities;

  • Purchase history

  • Your customer preferences such as dietary habits, food accessibility or other service preferences;

  • Information about your interactions with our staff such as details in the consultation sessions or other information relevant to assist our staff to serve you.

  • Health or medical information such as doctor’s notes, letters and requests related to medical conditions. We will require confirmation from you that your doctor has approved you are following our programme. Should you not be able to provide this confirmation, we will require you to sign a medical waiver which will be supplied to you at the time of collection of your personal information;

  • Information we receive from the queries you enter into our chatbot on our social media pages and Website

  • Information about your consumption of food, beverages, dietary supplements or/ and other items that you consume.  

  • Information about your training schedule, hydration status and other training and competition related information. 

  • Information we receive from other sources such as our page on social media;

  • Business contact information such as contact details of the clients of the corporate customers and vendors; 

  • Any feedback, reviews, recommendations and personal profile


2. Technical data

During your visit to our website/ mobile application/ other platforms as either a Visitor or a Registered User, we may collect statistical data which includes device and technical information you give us when using our website or mobile application such as IP addresses or other unique identifiers, cookies, mobile carrier, time zone setting, operating system and platform. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page.


3. Special Categories of information or "sensitive personal data"


We may collect special categories of information or “sensitive personal data” about you. This would be the case if the information affects My Dietary Strategies’ services such as consultation sessions and/ or if you have made a request revealing some other sensitive personal data about you. Certain categories of personal data and technical data such as information on race, ethnicity, religion or health are considered. We will try to limit the circumstances where we collect your sensitive personal data.


How do we collect sensitive data


Before we collect sensitive personal data about you, we require your consent to do so. We will ask you to use the dedicated contact/ personal data forms on our websites or written forms to submit any sensitive data. The contact/ personal data forms and written forms enable you to give us the consent required under the data protection legislation. You may withdraw the consent at any time.


When you conduct a transaction on our website, as part of the process, we collect personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address. Your personal information will be used for the specific reasons stated above only. 


We will not handle any sensitive personal data when you do not permit us to handle or that you have not provided us with. A limited number of staffs will have access to your sensitive personal data. After handling your sensitive data in accordance with your request, we will erase the data as soon as possible.


Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. 

All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.


Sharing of sensitive data


We will seek your consent on whether you would like your sensitive personal data to be shared with other organizations, sports associations, companies or individuals or any third parties that do not provide any services or support under our programme. 


To seek consent, we will be using consent forms for both the member and the individual, organisations, sports associations and companies whom the data is to be shared with. Data from both consent forms should correspond with each other. Should the data from both consent forms be different, the data that is similar in both consent forms would be shared. Should the data from both consent forms be totally different, both consent forms would have to be re-done. 


By default, we will not share your sensitive personal data with other organizations, companies or individuals unless it needs to be disclosed by law such as in the event of a court case or it needs to be disclosed to your guardian/ parent (if you are under 18 years of age).


Data from companies that we work with


My Dietary Strategies also collects personal and technical data from third parties. This includes, but not limited to sports associations, organizations, vendors/ service providers and individuals. ​


Please note that the vendors/ service providers that we work with such as nutrition analysis software company and companies that do various testings such as metabolic testings would also obtain some personal information that is related to their services. Personal information that is not related to their services will not be given to them. We will seek your consent on passing the relevant personal information to them should the need arises.


Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our company adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers


For any data transfers to any other countries where our vendors or service providers are located that may not have the same data protection laws as your country of residence, we will use contractual measures to ensure that your personal information and sensitive data is subjected to appropriate safeguards under the guiding principles set out in this privacy policy.


Data from your authorized representatives

My Dietary Strategies collects personal data and technical data either directly from you or from your authorized representatives. The examples of authorized representatives are parents or guardians or coaches or persons/associations/ organizations whom you have authorized and/ or persons/associations/organizations who have been validly identified as being your authorized representative, etc. 


What we will not do


We will not use the personal information that we collect from our website, mobile application or other platforms to send or email Direct Marketing information to you unless you have consented us to do so. If you later decide not to have any further Direct Marketing Information sent to you, you can contact us at any time to request that we stop sending you such information.  We will not sell your personal information to direct marketers.

Your Consent

If you register for our services, we would require your consent from you to process your personal information and sensitive data. There would be check boxes for you to tick in the different forms that you may be provided. This includes the consent for:

  • The collection of personal, technical and sensitive data

  • Sending daily / weekly email reminders of the next steps in the plans/ programmes/ services and when we send you new messages or feedback 

  • The collection of statistical data such as (but not limited to) basic browser and operating system information 

  • Allow your data to be used anonymously for research purposes​


You can contact us to (not limited to):

  • stop receiving direct marketing (including emails and hard copy materials) from us

  • access your previously consented personal information/ sensitive data 

  • to withdraw the consent at any time by contacting us using the details provided below

  • close your account

  • amend/ update your personal information/ sensitive data


Please note that if you request to erase certain personal information that is crucial for our services/ programmes/plans, we may not be able to provide you with the services/programmes/plans that you have registered/ paid for. For example, request to erase your log-in credentials would prevent us from providing you with access to the online account on our website/app, booking of sessions, etc. 

Communication with You

We may contact you to notify you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about our company, or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce our User Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes we may contact you via email, telephone, text messages, and postal mail.

When you register with us

Upon registration, the information that you provide to us should be accurate and completed especially the compulsory fields. We would expect you to keep the confidential information such as passwords, personal details and payment information secure.

Changes to this Privacy policy

My Dietary Strategies will regularly reviews all of its policies and procedures and may change our privacy policy from time to time. We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it. 

Terms and Conditions

T&C for Individual

Creating an account

To use our website and/or receive our services, you must:

  1. Be at least 18 years of age and possess the legal authority, right and freedom to enter into these Terms as a binding agreement. Should you not be 18 years of age, parental/ guardian consent would be required. Otherwise, you are not allowed to use this website and/or receive services if doing so is prohibited in your country or under any law or regulation applicable to you. 

  2. Not create a false identity, misrepresent your identity, create a member profile for anyone else other than yourself (with the exception of a parent/ a guardian of a >18 years old), use or attempt to use another member’s account.

  3. Have only one account, in which must be in your real name

  4. Not be already restricted by My Dietary Strategies from using the Services.

  5. Not have a medically diagnosed condition or disease and/or disorder or eating disorder or disordered eating or any other debilitating diseases or illnesses. If in doubt, talk to your doctor.


We may decline to register you as a user of the Services for any reason and are not obliged to state any reason.

Registration Access and Use

You will be able to register on our digital platforms or at the My Dietary Strategies office. The registration services listed below may be subject to change in the future. All changes will be appended in the terms and conditions page and communicated to existing users via email.

Registration services are offered for individual subscribers. For corporate accounts or an account in which multiple users could be monitored, kindly contact or write-in to us to inquire.

The nature and type of My Dietary Strategies Content Services will vary according to the type of plan you chose, type of sports you are in or type of subscription and registration you chose.

Type of subscription & registration includes but not limited to:

  1. One consultation session (virtual/ face to face)

  2. Monthly Subscription

  3. Yearly Subscription

  4. Special Offers

  5. Combo registrations with partners

  6. Registration to use any one-time only services and/ or events such as cooking demonstrations, grocery shopping activity

The details of the services and access offered for each can be found on our website.

Changes to services/subscriptions

We may in exceptional circumstances cease to provide certain services/ subscription services. We will give 7 days of notice should this happen and will not have further obligation to you.  We may also change or suspend any Services and Subscriptions and modify prices prospectively in our discretion. To the extent allowed under law, these changes may be effective upon notice provided to you. We may permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend access to the services without notice and liability for any reason or for no reason.

Maintaining your Account

Registered Users are account holders. You are responsible for anything that happens through your account. You are to agree to:

  1. Choose a strong and secure password

  2. Keep the confidential information such as password, personal details and payment information secure

  3. Provide us with accurate and completed information especially those in the compulsory fields.

  4. Not transfer your account to another person

  5. Not let other individuals use our services. All services are not transferable.


For Individual Clients

By purchasing any of our paid Services, you agree to pay us the applicable fees and taxes. We may correct pricing errors at any time. You can get a copy of your invoice by email for every subscription period.


You are to agree that:

  1. Your purchase may be subjected to foreign exchange fees or differences in prices based on the location (e.g. exchange rates)

  2. For the purchased subscriptions, your payment method would automatically be charged at the start of each subscription period for the fees and taxes applicable to that period.  You would need to cancel before the renewal date to avoid further charges or to cancel any further subscription. 

  3. We may store your payment method even after it has expired to avoid interruptions in your paid services and other services that you may purchase

  4. All purchases of services and subscriptions are subjected to our refund policy.

  5. We may calculate taxes (e.g. GST) that is to be paid by you based on the billing information that you provide us at the time of purchase.

  6. We reserve the right to suspend or cancel a programme should you fail to pay us any amount that is due by the due date or if the submitted payment fails to clear. The suspended programme would restart after the non-payment issue has been resolved.

  7. You are to enable us to conduct credit checks should we decide to perform credit checks on you.





Once you have subscribed to a Membership, we will provide you with a series of resources, Nutrition Programmes and sessions over the Membership period. The sessions, questionnaire and Nutrition and Training Journal are used to obtain your basic profile. We will customize our advice to you based on food preferences, gender, age, body composition, type of training, training duration, training intensity, health issues and other factors that are identified in your basic profile. We will deliver each analysis to you on an automated basis where it is driven by your submissions and inputs during the Membership Period. Consultations may be delivered via email, skype, website or any other communication platform. It is your responsibility to:

  • Book your consultation sessions via My Dietary Strategies website

  • Ensure that you have given us the correct email address as you would receive reminders for each consultation via email. We are not responsible if the email address is incorrect, no longer in use, if you are unable to access the email address.

We are not responsible should your computer system blocks our website, emails, or other communication platforms.

As part of each consultations and input in your journal, you would need to take responsibility for the input of information that is required on a daily or weekly basis on our website. Based on your entry, we may send you the appropriate dietary strategies, suggestions, recommendations, etc.

You are to agree that the success of any programme and sessions is dependent on:

  • you following our dietary strategies, recommendations and suggestions,

  • submitting the most up to date information to us

  • remaining motivated and committed

  • your honest answers and responses during the consultation sessions.

You are to acknowledge that we cannot guarantee the results of any programme and sessions.


Canceling your subscription

Both you and My Dietary Strategies may cancel your subscription and programme at any time with notice to the other. On cancellation, you lose the right to access or use the specific service(s). The following shall survive cancellation:

  • Our rights to use and disclose your feedback

  • Any amounts owed by either party prior to cancellation remain owed after cancellation.

  • Our rights to keep your personal and consultation information.

You may cancel a subscription at any time and for any reason.

To cancel your subscription, you would need to:

  • Log into your account

  • Go to your ‘Profile’ page

  • Press ‘Cancel subscription’ button

  • Fill in the Exit form

Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use

We may modify these terms and conditions of use and Policies from time to time. All changes will be appended in the terms and conditions page and communicated to existing users via email. If you object to any changes, you may close your account. Your continued use of our Services after we publish or send a notice about the changes would mean that you are consenting to the updated terms.

Members Area

We provide registered users a Members Area once they have completed the basic profile questionnaire/ free no obligation session and paid their subscription. It includes various resources that allow registered users to submit their individual information for us to provide you personalized dietary strategies.

For any information or other content that you submit to us or upload on our Member Area, you are to agree that:

  • They are correct at that point in time.

  • It does not contain anything that is misleading or deceptive

  • It does not contain anything that breaches any provision of any statute, regulation, by-law or other legal obligation

  • It does not contain anything that is or is likely to be defamatory, offensive, obscene, indecent, unlawful, illegal or objectionable.

  • It does not infringe any copyright or other intellectual property rights of any person in relation to the content of the members area or the software used to upload the members area to our website

  • The upload of or submitted information in the members area will not give rise to any liability on our part or in claim being made against us.

Consultation Information

As part of your consultations, you will from time to time provide us with personal information such as weight and body composition, health, sports performance, etc. You grant us a perpetual irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable and sub-licensable license to:

  • Publish your consultation information on our website for your own reference. (i.e. on your own member page). It will not be shown to other members.

  • Reproduce your consultation information in any printed, digital or electronic documents which would be used to document your progress and for research purposes. Should your information is used for research purposes, your identity would remain anonymous.

  • Permit us to use your consultation information for analysis purposes. Your identity would remain anonymous.   

Errors and Complaints

All Services are provided by us in good faith. For any concerns and complaints about the programmes or any other Services, we will deal with genuine complaints in a timely manner and in good faith. We will only investigate complaints during our business hours.

Indemnity, disclaimers and liability

You agree at all times indemnify us, our director(s), employees, agents and other personnel against any and all liabilities, claims, losses, damages, costs or other expenses of any nature whatsoever awarded against, incurred or suffered by us or our directors, employees, agents and other personnel arising out of or in connection with your Members Area information or your breach of this agreement.

The advice provided by My Dietary Strategies is based on the current literature and evidence-based information. However, you are to acknowledge that the scientific knowledge on sports nutrition, weight loss and health issues are constantly changing and for this reason, we are not to be held responsible for the results of any programmes that we provide. You are to agree that:

  • My Dietary Strategies will give no warranty or guarantee that the advice given is or will continue to be medically and scientifically sound or that it will have positive results

  • My Dietary Strategies do not offer medical advice or offer dietary advice for registered users who are medically diagnosed with a disease or disorder. If you require medical advice, you should consult a doctor. If you require dietary treatment for a disease or disorder, you should consult a clinical dietitian.

  • You should not undertake the programme if you medically diagnosed with eating disorders/ disordered eating, any debilitating medical diseases, conditions, or illnesses. If in doubt, please seek medical advice from a doctor.

  • We will not be responsible for any consequences or adverse results arising from you following our advice, programme, and services that we offer. You are to use at your own risk.

  • We are not responsible for any matters arising as a result of you providing us with incorrect, inaccurate, out of date information.




The disclaimers and exclusions specified in our Terms and conditions of use apply to My Dietary Strategies’ advice and any of our services provided to you. If, despite such disclaimers and exclusions, we are found to have any liability under this agreement, the maximum amount of our liability arising out of any and all claims under this agreement or relating to all programmes or Services, will not in any circumstances exceed the actual fees paid by you in the 12 month period prior to the date any such liability first arose.


Should you breach any terms of this Agreement or Website Terms and Conditions of Use, we may:

  • Cancel your programme

  • Cancel your registration to our website and other platforms

  • Terminate this agreement and / or

  • Pursue any legal actions or remedies available to us against you.


This agreement will be governed by the laws of Singapore. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. You may only bring a claim or action against us in the courts of Singapore.

Terms and Conditions for B2B Services


​Deposits, final payments and delivery


We reserve the right to request a 50% deposit prior to starting work on your project. If a deposit is requested, an invoice will be generated and delivered to you via email and payment is expected within 30 days of issue. By remitting deposit funds you are accepting these Terms of Service and entering a contract with My Dietary Strategies.


We will invoice for the remaining cost of the project and associated services prior to the release of any files or final reports. We reserve the right to withhold delivery until payment has been received in full.

We reserve the right to invoice prior to the time detailed if you have been not contactable/unresponsive for more than 30 days.


You may reserve the right to request a payment plan which may be accepted at our discretion. All payment plans must be agreed to both parties in writing.


All payments are to be made within 30 days of issue.


We reserve the right to charge you for any fees incurred relating to commencement of collection and recovery processes for accounts that remain unpaid in excess of 30 days.

Ownership & Copyright

All preparation materials, proposals, visuals, recipes, including the electronic files used to outline and create the project remain the property of My Dietary Strategies. The final artwork/digital files will become your property ONLY upon final payment of the project. 


If final payment is NOT received as agreed, all designs, relevant information, recipes and concepts will remain the property of My Dietary Strategies until payment is received.


If there are issues with final payment, we reserve the right to reuse or amend any of these ideas for other clients, or to be used freely as concepts in our portfolio. 

Should the client attempt to use/modify/alter/replicate or steal any of my ideas without making an agreed final payment, I will take immediate legal counsel.


My Dietary Strategies reserves the right to show any artwork, proposed ideas, recipes, sketches, created for this project in a portfolio as examples of client work. This is typically, but not limited to the completion of the project. If you have any specific ‘secrecy/stealth mode’ or NDA requirements, please mention this before agreeing to the proposal.


Final payment ensures that ONLY the agreed nutrition project becomes your property. Any previous ideas/concepts remain mine, unless any prior agreement has been made.


​Deposits, final payments and delivery


We reserve the right to request a 50% deposit prior to starting work on your project. If a deposit is requested, an invoice will be generated and delivered to you via email and payment is expected within 30 days of issue. By remitting deposit funds you are accepting these Terms of Service and entering a contract with My Dietary Strategies.


We will invoice for the remaining cost of the project and associated services prior to the release of any files or final reports. We reserve the right to withhold delivery until payment has been received in full.

We reserve the right to invoice prior to the time detailed if you have been not contactable/unresponsive for more than 30 days.


You may reserve the right to request a payment plan which may be accepted at our discretion. All payment plans must be agreed to both parties in writing.


All payments are to be made within 30 days of issue.


We reserve the right to charge you for any fees incurred relating to commencement of collection and recovery processes for accounts that remain unpaid in excess of 30 days.


​Deposits, final payments and delivery


We reserve the right to request a 50% deposit prior to starting work on your project. If a deposit is requested, an invoice will be generated and delivered to you via email and payment is expected within 30 days of issue. By remitting deposit funds you are accepting these Terms of Service and entering a contract with My Dietary Strategies.


We will invoice for the remaining cost of the project and associated services prior to the release of any files or final reports. We reserve the right to withhold delivery until payment has been received in full.

We reserve the right to invoice prior to the time detailed if you have been not contactable/unresponsive for more than 30 days.


You may reserve the right to request a payment plan which may be accepted at our discretion. All payment plans must be agreed to both parties in writing.


All payments are to be made within 30 days of issue.


We reserve the right to charge you for any fees incurred relating to commencement of collection and recovery processes for accounts that remain unpaid in excess of 30 days.

Terms and Conditions for B2B Services


​Deposits, final payments and delivery


We reserve the right to request a 50% deposit prior to starting work on your project. If a deposit is requested, an invoice will be generated and delivered to you via email and payment is expected within 30 days of issue. By remitting deposit funds you are accepting these Terms of Service and entering a contract with My Dietary Strategies.


We will invoice for the remaining cost of the project and associated services prior to the release of any files or final reports. We reserve the right to withhold delivery until payment has been received in full.

We reserve the right to invoice prior to the time detailed if you have been not contactable/unresponsive for more than 30 days.


You may reserve the right to request a payment plan which may be accepted at our discretion. All payment plans must be agreed to both parties in writing.


All payments are to be made within 30 days of issue.


We reserve the right to charge you for any fees incurred relating to commencement of collection and recovery processes for accounts that remain unpaid in excess of 30 days.

Ownership & Copyright

All preparation materials, proposals, visuals, recipes, including the electronic files used to outline and create the project remain the property of My Dietary Strategies. The final artwork/digital files will become your property ONLY upon final payment of the project. 


If final payment is NOT received as agreed, all designs, relevant information, recipes and concepts will remain the property of My Dietary Strategies until payment is received.


If there are issues with final payment, we reserve the right to reuse or amend any of these ideas for other clients, or to be used freely as concepts in our portfolio. 

Should the client attempt to use/modify/alter/replicate or steal any of my ideas without making an agreed final payment, I will take immediate legal counsel.


My Dietary Strategies reserves the right to show any artwork, proposed ideas, recipes, sketches, created for this project in a portfolio as examples of client work. This is typically, but not limited to the completion of the project. If you have any specific ‘secrecy/stealth mode’ or NDA requirements, please mention this before agreeing to the proposal.


Final payment ensures that ONLY the agreed nutrition project becomes your property. Any previous ideas/concepts remain mine, unless any prior agreement has been made.


Cancellation during the project


If you choose to cancel the project midway through, where ideas and proposals have been submitted, refund of previous payment is not possible. However, depending on the work completed and overall budget, a portion of the funds may be returned.


If we are unable to complete the project due to unforeseen circumstances, a portion of the overall budget will be returned. In most cases the complete amount will be refunded. If any works, so far completed, can be used for another nutritionists/ dietitians to pick up, then a percentage will be refunded based on work completed or any other reasonable suggestion will be considered.


Project Suspension

We reserve the right to suspend any project if there is interference with excessive micromanaging, demonstrating a continued lack of trust and inability to move forward after showing more than a reasonable number of unique ideas/concepts/ modifications, and/or showing a reluctance in paying the final payment.


Fair notice will be given with fair chance to remedy the situation without resorting to project suspension or termination. Any suspension, or termination, will not result in any refunds and all designs and work thus developed remain the full ownership of My Dietary Strategies.


Force Majeure

In the event we fail to perform any obligation pursuant to these Terms of Service due to an “act of God” or an act of any government, terrorism, riot, war, accident or any deficiency in materials or transportation or any other cause of any nature beyond my control, such failure shall not be deemed to be a breach of these Terms of Service, provided that you are notified of the existence and nature of the reason for our nonperformance and delay, and we resume performance immediately upon the conclusion of the relevant force majeure.

Limitation of Liability

Loss or damage


You agree and accept that My Dietary Strategies is not legally responsible for any loss or damage suffered or incurred related to use of any of my services, whether from amendments, errors or omissions in documents, designs, information or any goods or services offered by our staff. This includes your use or reliance on any third party content, links, comments or advertisements. Your use of, or reliance on, any information or materials we produce, amend or design is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable.


You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and expressly exclude liability of My Dietary Strategies for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.


We affirm that all designs & information presented to you will be to the best of my knowledge will not infringe/plagiarize any other work. However, we assume no legal responsibility for any loss or damage suffered or incurred related to legal issues regarding the professionalism, originality or authenticity of our work.


You agree to perform your own checks and due diligence regarding plagiarism and originality. Should you have any concerns, please discuss this item with us prior to commencing work. 

T & C for B2B
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