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How well are you eating to help you be healthy and perform at your peak?

The Questionnaire evaluates your usual dietary intake and compares your responses to dietary guidelines and sports recommendations.  


There are two parts and will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete in total.


We respect your trust and protect your privacy and will never share your individual data with third parties without your consent except where required or authorised by law.


Please read the Terms and Conditions to learn more about our Privacy Policy

Before you start

Please enter a survey ID

You may choose to use an ID number (athlete ID) provided to you by your sports institution. Otherwise, enter an anonymous ID of your choice.


Trained/Developmental Athlete: Representing Hall, School & Community Level; training regularly ~3 times per week

World Class Athlete: Competing at Olympic or World stage or is a medalist

Recreationally Active Individual: Complete at least 150 to 300 min moderate intensity activity or 75 to 150 min of vigorous activity a week + muscle strengthening activities 2 or more days a week

Should the organization request to obtain your results, this serves as one of the steps in the data request verification process.

Please indicate which institution or organization you belong to.

 It is your responsibility to confirm with your organization that they consent to you providing their email address and that the email address you provide for them is accurate.

Part 1: You will be asked questions about your usual food intake over the past week

In the past week, how many servings of fruit (i.e. fresh, frozen, canned, dried) did you usually eat EACH DAY?

One serving of fruit is equivalent to:

1 small Apple


1 medium Banana

Sliced Kiwi

2 Kiwifruits


1 Pear

Image by Mockup Graphics

1 wedge Watermelon

Image by Amanda Lins

1 wedge Papaya

Image by Karyna Panchenko

2 tablespoon
Raisins/ Sultanas

In the past week, how many servings of fruit juice did you usually drink EACH DAY?

One serving of fruit juice is equivalent to:

Image by Jugoslocos

1/2 Cup(125ml)  Juice

In the past week, how many days did you eat fruit?
Which type of Fruits did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

Select all that apply

In the past week, how many servings of vegetables (i.e. fresh, frozen or canned) did you usually eat EACH DAY?

One serving of Vegetables is equivalent to:

1 small tomato

1 cup raw leafy vegetables

Image by Louis Hansel

3/4 cup cooked non-leafy vegetables


3/4 cup cooked leafy vegetables

Specifically, how many servings of starchy vegetables did you usually eat EACH DAY?

One serving of starchy vegetables is equivalent to:

1 Potato

Image by Rens D

1 Sweet Potato

Image by Mockup Graphics

1/2 Corn Cob

In the past week, how many days did you eat all types of vegetables (including starchy and non-starchy)?
Which type of Vegetables did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

Select all that apply

In the past week, how many servings of grains, breads and cereals did you usually eat EACH DAY?

One serving of grains, breads and cereals is equivalent to:

Plain Toast

1 Slice Bread

Granola in Bowl

4 dessertspoon 

Bowl of Rice

1/2 rice bowl Cooked Rice


1/2 cup Pasta

Image by Usman Yousaf

1 Chapati

Image by montatip lilitsanong

1/2 cup Noodles

Image by Deepak N

2/3 cup Flaky or Puffed Cereal

In the past week, how many days did you eat grains, breads and cereals?
Which type of Bread do you choose most of the time?
Which type of Rice do you choose most of the time?
In the past week, how many servings of dairy food did you usually have EACH DAY?

One serving of dairy food is equivalent to:

1 cup Low Fat Milk


1 cup Full Cream Milk

Chocolate Milk

1 cup Chocolate Milk


1 tub (200ml) Yogurt

Slices of Cheese

2 slices reduced fat cheese

In the past week, how many servings of non-dairy alternatives (e.g. soy, rice, almond) did you usually have EACH DAY?

One serving of non-dairy alternatives is equivalent to:

Image by Mae Mu

1 cup Soy Milk

Almond Milk

1 cup Almond Milk

Image by Madalyn Cox

1 cup Oat Milk

In the past week, how many days did you take dairy food?
In the past week, how many days did you take non-dairy alternatives?
Which type of dairy milk (including lactose-free milk) do you usually drink?
Which type of non-dairy milk(s) do you usually drink?

Select all that apply

In the past week, how many days did you take lean red meat (e.g. pork, beef, mutton)?
Altogether, how many servings of lean red meat did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of lean red meat is equivalent to:


1 medium cooked steak

Roast Beef

2 slices Roast Beef, Pork, Lamb

Korean Barbecue

1/2 cup cooked diced meat

Image by Olga Drach

3/4 cup Lean Mince

In the past week, how many days did you have processed meats (e.g. sausages, bacon, salami, chicken nuggets, fish fingers, fishball, fishcake)?
In the past week, how many days did you have chicken or other poultry (e.g. turkey, duck)?
Altogether, how many servings of chicken or other poultry (e.g. turkey, duck) did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of cooked chicken is equivalent to:

Chicken Breast

1 small chicken breast

Image by Kostiantyn Li

1 small chicken thigh

Image by Nathan Dumlao

1 small drumstick

Image by Elena Leya

3/4 cup diced or shredded chicken

In the past week, how many days did you eat fish or other seafood (prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, clams)?
Altogether, how many servings of fish or other seafood did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of fish or other seafood is equivalent to:

Fish Fillet

1 medium (100g) cooked fish

Canned Food

1 small tin (95g) of canned fish

Shrimp, Clams & Oysters

1/2 - 1 cup of cooked shelled seafood such as prawns, scallops or mussels

Salmon Sashimi

1 hand sized piece (115g) of raw fish

Altogether, how many servings of chicken eggs did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of cooked chicken egg is equivalent to:

Image by Mockup Graphics

2 large eggs

In the past week, how many days did you eat plant-based protein foods (e.g. beans, lentils, chickpeas, baked beans, tofu, nuts, seeds, peanut butter)?
Altogether, how many servings of plant-based protein foods did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of plant-based protein food is equivalent to:

Image by Mockup Graphics

A small handful (30g) of nuts/seeds

Image by Christina Deravedisian

170g Tofu
(2 small blocks)

Image by Clark Douglas

1 cup of cooked or canned legumes

In the past week, did you eat any of the following foods?

Select all that apply

In the past week, how many days did you eat sweet snack foods (e.g. biscuits, cakes, sweet pastries, doughnnuts, ice cream, chocolate, sweet kueh kuehs, lollies, soft drink, ice tea, cordial)?
Altogether, how many servings of the following sweet snack foods did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of sweet snack foods is equivalent to:

Image by Takuya Nagaoka

A 1.5cm thick slice of Cake

Image by Liliana Olivares

5 to 6 Lollies/ Candies/ Sweets

Image by Tetiana Bykovets

A row (4 squares) of Chocolate

Image by Mae Mu

2 to 3 plain
sweet biscuits

Ice Cream Cone

2 small scoops of Ice Cream


1 piece Sweet Kueh Kueh e.g. Kueh Dadar, Putu Mayam,  Kueh Tutu

In the past week, how many days did you eat savoury snack foods (e.g. pies, savoury pastries, chips, fries, potato chips/crisps, corn chips, savoury biscuits or crackers)?
Altogether, how many servings of the following savoury snack foods did you eat in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of savoury snack foods is equivalent to:

Potato Chips

1/2 snack size packet (30g) salty crackers or chips/crisps or keropok or Salted Biscuits

Image by FitNish Media

1/4 (60g) commercial meat pie or pastries


12 (60g) Fried Hot Chips

Image by Scott Eckersley

1 piece Curry Puff, Char Siew Puff

Image by Some Tale

1 piece Fried savoury snacks e.g. You Tiao, Wanton, Ham Chim Peng 

Would you consider your FOOD INTAKE over the past week to be about the same, less or more than usual?

Do you consume any Alcoholic Drinks?
In the past week, how many days did you have an ALCOHOLIC DRINK of any kind?
Altogether, how many standard servings of alcohol did you have in the PAST WEEK?

One serving of Alcohol is equivalent to:

Image by Laura Chouette

285ml Full Strength Beer

Beer Mug Chevalier

375ml Mid-strength Beer


400ml Light Beer

Image by Anastasiia Rozumna

1/2 glass (100ml) Wine

Image by Ambitious Creative Co.  - Rick Barrett

1 shot/nip (30ml) Spirits

Image by Taylor Simpson

180ml Ready to Drink

Would you consider your ALCOHOL INTAKE over the past week to be about the same, less or more than usual?

In the past week, how many days did you eat 'fast food' (e.g. KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Joliibee, Texas Chicken)?
In the past week, how many days did you eat food from the Hawker Centre, Food Court, Coffee Shop Stall?
In the past week, how many days did you eat food from Cafe, Restaurant, Bistro, Pub, Coffee house?
How often are you the person who does the grocery shopping?
How often are you the person who does most of the cooking?
How would you rate your cooking skills?
Do you have a medical condition or chronic illness (e.g. diabetes, high cholesterol, low iron, irritable bowel)?
Are you currently taking any medication that has been prescribed by a doctor (includes oral contraceptive pill)?
Have you ever been diagnosed with a nutritional deficiency (e.g. low levels of iron, vitamin D or B12)?
Do you regularly follow any of the following special diet(s)?
Vegetarian or Vegan
Gluten or wheat-free
Dairy-free or low Lactose
Diabetic Diet or Low Glycaemic Index (GI)
Intermittent Fasting
High Fat/ Low Carb (e.g. ketogenic diet)
Food Allergy/ Intolerance/Avoidance
Do you AVOID any of the following foods on a FREQUENT (weekly) basis?
Breads, Grains or Cereals
Red Meat (e.g. Beef, Lamb)
Poultry (e.g. Chicken, Turkey, Duck)
Fish or other Seafood
Milk or Dairy Products
Alcoholic Drinks
Sweet Snacks (e.g. biscuits, cake, sweet Kueh Kueh, chocolate)
Savoury Snacks (e.g. Salty Crackers, Chips, Fries, Curry Puff)
Fast Food (e.g. McDonalds, KFC)
Sugar-sweetened Beverages (e.g. soft drinks, iced tea, cordial)
Fats and Oils (e.g. Butter, Vegetable Oils)
Do you modify your dietary intake on a FREQUENT (daily or weekly) basis (i.e. specifically for training or performance purposes?
Low Energy (reduced kilojoules/ calories)


High energy (increased calories/ kilojoules/ kilocalories)
High Carbohydrates
Low Carbohydrates
High Fat
Low Fat
High Protein
Low Protein
Reduced Salt
Low Fibre/ Low Residue
Do you currently have any injuries that limit your ability to train or compete?

You will be asked questions about your Current Training and Nutrition Practices that support your training and performance

Playing Basketball
Weight Trainer
Your preferred method to learn about Sports Nutrition is...

Select all that apply

Please indicate the current stage of your training cycle
Are you currently trying to change your body composition (e.g. increase muscle mass, decrease body fat, make weight for competition)?
What are the main reasons you are currently trying to change your body composition?
How many hours a week do you usually spend training and/or competing?
In the past week, how many days did you train twice or more in one day?

Please indicate the days of the week you currently train.

For MONDAY, please indicate the TIMES OF DAY you currently train, the TYPE of sessions and their DURATION.


Select the options that best correspond to your training




Early Morning Session

Morning Session

Midday Session

Afternoon Session

Evening Session

For TUESDAY, please indicate the TIMES OF DAY you currently train, the TYPE of sessions and their DURATION.


Select the options that best correspond to your training




Early Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Midday Session

Morning Session

Evening Session

For WEDNESDAY, please indicate the TIMES OF DAY you currently train, the TYPE of sessions and their DURATION.


Select the options that best correspond to your training




Early Morning Session

Morning Session

Midday Session

Afternoon Session

Evening Session

For THURSDAY, please indicate the TIMES OF DAY you currently train, the TYPE of sessions and their DURATION.


Select the options that best correspond to your training




Early Morning Session

Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Midday Session

Evening Session

For FRIDAY, please indicate the TIMES OF DAY you currently train, the TYPE of sessions and their DURATION.


Select the options that best correspond to your training




Evening Session

Afternoon Session

Midday Session

Morning Session

Early Morning Session

For SATURDAY, please indicate the TIMES OF DAY you currently train, the TYPE of sessions and their DURATION.


Select the options that best correspond to your training




Early Morning Session

Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Midday Session

Evening Session

For SUNDAY, please indicate the TIMES OF DAY you currently train, the TYPE of sessions and their DURATION.


Select the options that best correspond to your training




Early Morning Session

Morning Session

Midday Session

Afternoon Session

Evening Session

How often do you eat a meal or snack BEFORE training for your main sport(i.e. 30min - 2 hours prior to training)?
What are the main reasons you might eat BEFORE training?

Select all that apply

How often do you eat something DURING training for your main sport(e.g. fruit, muesli bar, sports bar, gel)?
What are the main reasons you might eat DURING training?

Select all that apply

How often do you eat immediately AFTER training for your main sport(i.e. within 0 to 60 min)?
What are the main reasons you might eat AFTER training?

Select all that apply

Do you skip any main meals or mid-meal snacks on a FREQUENT (i.e. weekly) basis?
Mid-meal (morning)
Mid-meal (afternoon)
Dessert or Supper
Pre-sleep Snack time
What are the main reasons you skip a main meal or mid-meal snack?

Select all that apply

How often do you drink fluids (e.g. water, sports drink) BEFORE training for your main sport(i.e. 30min - 2 hours prior to training)?
How often do you drink fluids (e.g. water, sports drink) DURING training for your main sport?
What are the main reasons you might drink DURING training?

Select all that apply

How often do you drink fluids (e.g. water, sport drink) AFTER training for your main sport (i.e. within 0 to 60 min)?
What are the main reasons you might drink AFTER training?

Select all that apply

What type of fluids do you usually drink to support training for your sport?

Select all that apply

Sports Drink (e.g. 100 Plus, H-TWO-O, Pocari Sweat, Gatorade)
Sports Water, Electrolyte Drink
Protein/Whey/BCAA Shake
Milk (Plain or Flavoured), Milkshake, Smoothie
Fruit Juice (e.g. Sunkist, Florida, freshly squeezed)
Energy Drink (e.g. Red Bull, Monster, Solar) Energy Shots (e.g. 5 hour Energy Shots)
Tea, Hot Chocolate, Milo, Cocoa
No Fluids
Coconut water(Plain or Flavoured)
Carbonated Drinks, Soft Drinks, Cordial
Have you consumed any of the following SPORTS FOODS in the past 4 weeks?

Select all that apply

Have you taken any of the following NUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTS in the past 4 weeks?

Select all that apply

Have you taken any of the following SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS in the past 4 weeks?

Select all that apply

With my current dietary intake, I am:

Personal Information

to give us an idea of your daily activity

Your Current Employment Status
Gender (i.e. based on biological and physiological characteristics) *
What is the highest level of education you have COMPLETED?
Main Sport: The highest level that I have competed in is: *
I am currently carded by a National Sports Institute *
Number of sports that I participate in
During the past month, how would you rate your sleep quality overall?
Has your weight changed in the past 6 months?
Was the weight change intentional?
Do you alter your body weight for training or competing in your chosen sport (e.g. making weight or class restrictions for certain sports)?

Thanks for 
Completing the Survey

We will send you an email to inform you of the results.

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